Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Baby Camden is Here!!

Well, we made it! Baby Camden is here! He was born at 3:00 AM on May 22nd. We had the c-section scheduled for May 23rd at 7 AM, but he just couldn't wait to come! I was actually having a dream that my water broke and I woke up all wet. I rolled over to Dustin and said, "I think my water broke." He very groggily said, "Are you sure you didn't just wet the bed?" I wasn't really sure, so I got up and went to the bathroom and that is when the contractions started. This was at about 1:15 AM. At first, they were not too painful, so we were just gathering stuff getting ready to go to the hospital. Within a few minutes, they had gotten extremely painful, and I didn't care what we didn't have, we were leaving. By the time we got to the hospital at 2:00 AM, I was dialated to a 5 and feeling like pushing. The nurses and Dustin tried to comfort me through the contractions, but I wasn't very nice at that point :) Dustin got yelled at a few times. My doctor got to the hospital at 2:30 AM and I was wheeled into surgery by 2:45 AM. Camden was delivered at 2:52! It was a quick process. So, even though I had to have a c-section, I experienced labor too!!

Anyway, both me and baby are doing well. I am slowly recovering and each day gets a little bit better. Me and Dustin are amazed at how much we already love our little boy and being parents is an adventure!! We are still working on getting any sleep at night, but hopefully it will happen soon. Here are some pictures of our little sweet heart!

Our new family!!

This is the day we left the hospital. Look at all that hair!! That is what we were most suprised to see!!

Look at those eyes! We love his bright eyes when he decides to open them!


Lamb said...

That last picture is almost a blue steel pose... looking over his shoulder, like "Oh I am good lookin!" Anyway, I am happy for you both and can't wait for your first outing...

weston'smommy said...

He is gorgeous!! Labor can be something else can't it? I went with no epidural ya that was fun! He is a sweetheart. Sleep whenever he does that helps.

Adam said...

Congrats! We were excited to see you pictures, we have been waiting anxiously. He looks like such a cute little guy! We are so happy for you and hope that all goes well! In 16 years Camden and Anniston can go on a date!

Andrew said...

So dang cute!! Congrats! We are so excited for you!!

lindsey hill said...

is he a Jackson or what, holy cow!!! he is a doll, I am glad everything went okay for you. Congrats!!!

Bryan, Rachel, Ben and Tyler Nichols said...

Oh he's adorable! I'll be in Utah this week, I'd love to see you!

Wood Fam said...

He is looking absolutely adorable! We are so happy for you guys. I hope he is getting on a more resonable sleep schedule for you! We love you!

Natalie said...

Yay for you! He is super cute! But, I'm dying to know his stats! Love the pictures.